Supported Living Service
Servicio de Vida Asistida
Supported Living Services (SLS) assist adults with intellectual/developmental disabilities to establish and maintain a safe, stable, and independent life in homes they own or rent. SLS helps individuals make meaningful choices toward their personal goals in relationships and the community. SLS is offered for as long as needed and is flexible to a person's changing needs over time. SLS can be funded through the regional center and/or In-Home Support Services and can be supervised by the individuals themselves. Individuals who receive SLS are eligible for HUD's Section 8 Housing Program. Their living expenses may be paid through Supplemental Security Income or other benefits/income. Characteristics SLS may include assistance with the following: Selecting a home, Moving into a home, Choosing personal attendants, Choosing housemates, Acquiring household furnishings, Participating in daily living activities, Preparing for emergencies, participating in community life, Managing personal financial affairs.
https://www.dds_ca_qov/consumers/independent-livinq-skills-supported livinq-services/