This page contains information we can find on Cambrian Homecare.
Cambrian Homecare
Bill Payer, Sole Employer and Co-Employer
Sole Employer Rate: 22%
Co-Employer Rate: 25%
Background check:
All Employees must do live scan
COVID Card or declination
Sick time
Workers comp: 30 hours per week qualify for health insurance
Mail monthly statement at the end of the month.
55% or more direct labor and not company.
Maximum Budget Amount: No Firm Cap (review on individual basis)
Business License
Proof of Liability
Invoice by 5th of the month
Processed by the 15th
If submitted after the 5th, then processed last day of the month - can pay by check or credit card
No Reimbursement
Accepts credit card purchases
EVV: GoFlexy
Electronic Time Sheet: Yes
David Ellis