This page contains information we can find on Home of Guiding Hands.
Home of Guiding Hands
Bill Payer
Email by the 15th (will email to contacts if requested - will accommodate mail request.
English, Spanish
Primary RC Vendor: SDRC
Customer Service: General email, but small organization and one main case manager.
Maximum Budget Amount: No Cap
HCPBS Settings (if needed)
Background Checks
W-9 Business License
Professional license if applicable
Contact info
Invoice direct from vendor (will need participant approval) or from family - best way is to CC FMS Vendor and participant.
Cut checks weekly, two weeks (as long as there are no questions in invoice or funds in spending plan) - streamlined packet for community and one for RC vendor.
No Reimbursement
Accepts credit card purchases (will not leave for reoccuring)
Gift Cards: Yes to Uber/Lyft
Laura Miranda