This page contains information we can find on Mains'l.
Bill Payer and Sole Employer
Sole Employer Rate: 16.5%, parent employee: 4.85%
Background Check: Only those required by law must do live scan - employee's responsibility
Insurance: Offers workers comp and liability through Mains'l; no health insurance
Monthly by the 15th; sent directly to the participant (will not send to IF)
Nursing is available in bill payer and sole employer.
Maximum Budget Amount: No Cap
Optional direct deposit or check
If vendor uses social security number, they will check to make sure they are not employee
Invoices forwarded from participant or sent from vendor with participant signature
Invoices are processed on a weekly basis.
Invoices received by 5pm on Tuesday and less than $500 are paid the same week on Friday.
Invoices received by 5pm on Tuesday and between $500-$9,999 are paid 3 weeks out on Friday.
Invoices received by 5pm on Tuesday and more than $10,000 are paid 5 weeks out on Friday.
<$500 three weeks
Offers reimbursement for parent of an adult only
Accepts credit card purchases (will not leave for reoccuring)
Accepts gift cards if limited to single product or service listed in spending plan
EVV: Already part of system
Electronic Time Sheet: Yes
Stephanie Burggraff
Jason Bergquist
Time Zone: CST